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Do you think our FEARLESS LEADER, Billyboy Clinton, is a member of this subspecies?

dogpound.gif - 19668 Bytes

Hey folks, the

Beanie Baby Blaster

is BACK!

Here at TONE INDIGO we know that life has its share of ups and downs, and Murphy's Law being alive and well, most of the time the Human Race experiences more downs than ups. Modern Psychiatry tells us that keeping the resulting negative feelings bottled up creates an unhealthy psyche, but in real life the average human has enough on his or her plate without hearing everybody else's crap. So what do you do with all that negative energy??


TONE INDIGO is the place for your bi*chiness and sob stories. So if you have a little negative venting to do, by all means surf on through and maybe GET AWARDED FOR IT!

You'll find this site in an abbreviated state at the moment due to my unfortunate incarceration. However, despite setbacks, an EVIL BEING WHO PUSHED THE DELETE BUTTON (who, Andy says, "borrowed" his password to do so. yeah, right!), and a stint in Billyboy Gate's version of hell (don't EVER use windows 95 to compress your hard drive!!! EVER!!!) toneindigo is back, and BETTER THAN EVER! So fasten your seatbelts, folks, we're in for a fast and bumpy ride!


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Tone Indigo's ATTITUDE AWARD Application

YES, THIS IS THE SMALL PRINT AT THE BOTTOM. This page is an equal opportunity offender, we do not discriminate , we will slam anybody and everybody, given the opportunity. Some Adult References, some violence (mostly toward the author), and lots of insults, disrespect and downright nastiness. Any resemblance to real life people alive or dead or someplace in between is entirely a figment of the author's and reader's imagination, and is meant solely for the satirical entertainment of those old enough to know it is meant in jest, or those over the age of 21, whichever comes first. IF YOU CAN'T TAKE A JOKE YOU BETTER RUN FOR THE HILLS!! Do not spindle, fold or mutilate. Tear off this tag under penalty of dungeon imprisonment or death. The Surgeon Genial states do not mix with booze or barbiturates, weird side effects may occur which may be hazardous to your health, especially if you are currently under the care of a psychiatrist, a Moonie/Branch Davidian, or a graduate of EST or one of its mutant offspring. No deposit, no return. Reading this page IS harmful or fatal to pregnant women, beanie baby collectors, people who use hearts to dot their i's, Barry Manilow and Kenny G fans, people who name themselves after planets, and CATS.